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Answers in Genesis Kids

Here is a special website with articles, videos, activities, and more just for kids! Prepare to have fun as you learn more about the Bible and science.

Got questions?

They have lots of fun things to do, so check out the comics, games, and other activities. You'll want to sign up for the GQKidz Club and follow the Camp Wanananzer campers as they take exciting adventures.

Bible Activity Zone

Intended for everyone, and inspired by bible topics and stories, was created for YOU to enjoy! Our online games only use Bible facts, and provide cool, cutting-edge Bible themed entertainment!

Adventures in Odyssey

Dust off your imagination and join the kids in Odyssey for inspiring adventures that are flat-out fun!

The Adventure Bible

Here's a fun, safe and free website for your kids… one that will spark their imaginations and kindle their love for God!

Join us as we go live on Facebook or YouTube!  We understand not everyone can make it to church every week.  

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