Our Story
Lakeside Church began as the vision of Rev. Scott Shaffer in July 1981. Standing on the property that is now Lakeside Church, Rev. Shaffer prayed, "Father, we now claim this land as ours for a new church if this is what you want.” Less than a year later, on May 16, 1982, 84 people met with Rev. Shaffer at the local Holiday Inn to begin a new church. On May 23 they voted to buy the land for which Rev. Shaffer prayed.
The first structure was a picnic shelter and by late August 1982 services began there. By October that same year, ground breaking for a three phase building program began with the sanctuary which was completed by Christmas. With growth in numbers came the need to complete phases two and three—a larger sanctuary with a gymnasium/fellowship hall. This was completed by Easter 1988.
From the beginning, it has always been the joy and vision of Lakeside Church to bring people to Christ, disciple believers, serve the community and support missions around the world. Rev. Shaffer retired from ministry in 1992. He was followed by Revs. James Hansen, David Dennis, Mark Ralph, Robert Mavis, and presently Janor Bestwick. Youth directors and associate pastors have been Randal Rodgers, Gene de Jongh, Kenneth Schmoyer, Thomas Griffin, Nickolas Lakatos, Christopher Mowery, Janor Bestwick and Elizabeth Klingensmith.
The joy of serving Jesus at Lakeside Church will continue until He returns.
Our Mission
The mission of Lakeside Church is to know Christ, grow in Christ and show Christ to our community and the world.

What We Believe
Believing the Bible to be our final authority for faith and Christian living, we affirm the following:
That the universe is the purposeful creation of a personal, loving, almighty God.
That all human beings are made in the image of the creator and are of infinite worth.
That our world is under the sway of sin as the result of a historical and personal rebellion against God, so that suffering, death and separation from God are the experience of humankind; and that without the intervention of God's grace, this will be the eternal state of all persons.
That Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, through his virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death on the cross, and glorious resurrection and ascension, graciously offers new life to all who receive him by faith.
That the Holy Spirit, indwelling believers, gives them the desire and the ability to follow biblical standards of conduct in their personal lives and in society.
That the Christian faith is lived in the community of the church where worship and witness are embodied through the spiritual gifts of its members.
That Jesus Christ will return to this world, bringing an end to history as we know it, inaugurate the final judgment, and welcome believers into his eternal kingdom.
We are an Evangelical Congregational Church.
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Service Times
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Church Service 10:45 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 PM
Our Pastor
Pastor Janor Bestwick began preaching here in September 2019. He has a heart for teaching the Bible correctly and discipeling Christians.